Judith Hibbard
Professor Emerita
Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research and Innovation (IPRI)
Email: jhibbard@uoregon.edu
Website: http://pages.uoregon.edu/jhibbard/
Research Interests:
Testing approaches that give consumers and patients more knowledge and control that can improve the quality of their health care and health outcomes; how consumers understand and use health care information; how health literacy affects choices; enrollee behavior within consumer driven health plans; and assessments of patient and consumer activation.
Publications and Citations (Which May Not Appear Yet at ~jhibbard)
Hibbard JH, Peters EM, Dixon A, Tusler M. Consumer Competencies and the Use of Comparative Quality Information: It Isn't Just About Literacy. Medical Care Research and Review. In Press.
Hibbard JH, Tusler M. Assessing Activation Stage and Employing a 'Next Steps' Approach to Supporting Patient Self-Management. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 2007; 30(1):2-8.
Hibbard JH, Greene J, Tusler M. An Assessment of Beneficiary Knowledge of Medicare Coverage Options and the Prescription Drug Benefit. AARP Public Policy Institute May 2006.
Hibbard, JH, Mahoney E, Stock R, Tusler M. Does Increasing Patient Activation Result in Improved Self-management Behaviors? A Further Validation of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM). Health Services Research. 2005; 40(6 Pt 1):1918-30.
Hibbard JH, Mahoney ER, Stockard J, Tusler M. Development and testing of a short form of the patient activation measure. Health Services Research. 2005 Dec;40(6 Pt 1):1918-30.
Hibbard JH, Peters EM, Slovic P, Tusler M. Can Patients Be Part of the Solution? Views on Their Role in Preventing Medical Errors. Medical Care Research and Review. October 2005;62(5):601-16.
Hibbard JH, Greene J, Tusler M. Screening Medicare Beneficiaries for Health Literacy: Is a Short Screening Test Feasible? AARP Public Policy Institute June 2005; Report 2005-01
Judy Hibbard and Jean Stockard, on public report cards for hospital performance: article in Register Guard, March 24, 2003.
Hibbard, J.H., and J.J. Jewett. 1997. "Will Quality Report Cards Help Consumers?" Health Affairs 16 (3): 218-28.
Jewett, J.J., and J.H. Hibbard. 1996. "Comprehension of Quality Care Indicators: Differences Among Privately Insured, Publicly Insured, and Uninsured." Health Care Financing Review 18: 75-94.
Hibbard, JH, Stockard, J., Mahoney, ER, and Tusler, M. "Development of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM): Conceptualizing and Measuring Activation in Patients and Consumers." Health Services Research, forthcoming.
Oregon Quarterly article, "To Your Health"
Bibliography updated December 14, 2009